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Cat Care Clinic of Ormond Beach

320 S Yonge Street
Ormond Beach, FL 32174

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Not all great doctors are board certified specialists, but you can trust that any doctor who has taken the time and put out the effort to become board certified is a great doctor. Dr. Nixon is Board Certified in Feline Practice. Out of over 6,000 veterinarians in Florida, only five of them are Board Certified Feline Specialists.

Our associate doctor, Dr. Amber Noga, who works closely with Dr. Nixon, has developed into a truly great cat doctor. Even while in Vet School, Dr. Noga knew she wanted to be a cat doctor. She has trained under other board certified feline specialists, and she plans to become a specialist herself one day.
When you combine great doctors with the areaâ?Ts best facility and diagnostic equipment, and a great staff you can be sure that your cat will get the best care available. Within Cat Care Clinicâ?Ts new 4,000 sq ft state of the art facility, you will find all the diagnostic equipment that a general practice could ask for.
â?¢ Our digital x-ray allows us to provide the highest quality radiographs without the necessity of many â?oretakesâ?, which reduces the amount of radiation exposure while increasing the diagnostic capability.
â?¢ We are one of very few veterinary facilities with (digital) dental x-ray capability so that we know which teeth need treatment, and just as importantly, which teeth do not. With this x-ray, we are sure that we have not left any root fragments that can cause on-going problems. Our dental procedures are true medical procedures that can improve your catâ?Ts health and extend his life; they are not just a cosmetic â?oteeth cleaningâ?.
â?¢ Dr. Nixon is skilled in the use of our modern ultra-sound system and can diagnose many conditions of the heart and abdomen without invasive surgery.
â?¢ With our endoscope, we can see a full living color picture of your cats digestive tract and can even take biopsies if needed, which again may preclude invasive surgery, or possibly indicate that surgery is actually a good, viable option.
â?¢ Additional equipment, such as our in-house laboratory, complete with incubator often allows us to make the right diagnosis without waiting for an outside lab to return results. It also allows us to verify that antibiotics are really necessary thus allowing us to reduce the overuse of these drugs which can reduce the incidence of antibiotic resistance.
We have a great deal more equipment, but our best asset is our people. Everyone that works at Cat Care Clinic really knows and loves cats. Cats are not just little dogs. They have many differences in behavior as well as physical differences, like metabolism. Dogs and cats of similar weight may require significantly different doses of the same medication. Many medications that are fine for dogs are toxic to cats. When you come to Cat Care Clinic, you can be sure that we know what is best for your cat.
Finally, even if your cat has â?ogrown up with dogs and loves dogsâ?, no sick, frightened cat wants to be taken from his home and brought to a place where there are strange barking dogs. Most cats love us almost as much as we love them.