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512 E Unaka Ave
Johnson City, TN 37601

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Chiro-Health Chiropractic Treatment Center is a holistic wellness health care center. We have numerous treatments and methods as well as a variety of nutritional and detoxification products and procedures developed from over eighteen years in practice to help our patients heal. Our tools include advanced bio-energetic nutrition, ionCleanse detoxification; Foot levelers orthotics and Thera-ciser therapeutic exercise system; low level cold laser; safe, gentle, effective chiropractic and deep tissue neuromuscular massage.

We Treat The Whole Person
Rather than treating symptoms, the end point of an ongoing process, with drugs or surgery, we rely on scientific and intuitive diagnostic techniques to uncover the cause of health problems. Natural therapies are used to resolve the cause and bring about lasting results. If you are interested in achieving and maintaining optimal health and vitality, or if you have a specific health complaint, we can help.

We look forward to have the opportunity to work with you.

All of the following play important roles in our holistic wellness health care:

· Spinal and Crainosacral Chiropractic
· Extremity Adjusting
· Applied Kinesiology
· Cold Laser
· Percussion Myofascial Release
· Therapeutic Detox Footbaths
· Electromagnetic Pollution Correction
· Color Therapy
· Sound Therapy
· Emotional Reprogramming
· Nutritional Support
· Gene SNP DNA Analysis
· Nutritional Blood Analysis
· Massage and Rehabilitation Exercises
· Therapeutic Ultrasound
· Interferential Current
· Pure Water and Air

We see miracles happen every day. The body holds all the wisdom it needs to heal itself. â?oHealth is not a destinationâ?¦itâ?Ts a journey.â? Dr. John Brimhall

Palmer, the founder of Chiropractic, developed a philosophy that the health was the normal state of the body when structure and function were in perfect equilibrium. He believed that all living things were endowed with â?oinnate intelligence.â? Palmer theorized that this intelligence flows through the central nervous system and regulates all the organs, systems and vital functions of the body. It â?oknowsâ? how to keep the body in health.

Palmer felt the purpose of the chiropractor was to remove nerve interference caused by spinal misalignments that blocked or restricted the intelligence of the body from carrying out its natural role of healthy regulation.

The task of the doctor was not to treat conditions, but to re-establish the structural integrity of the body. The chiropractor is not considered the healer. The doctor simply removes interference, permitting the body to heal itself naturally.

Dr. Neely and Dr. Conley are both graduates of the Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa in 1987, specializing in the complex complicated health issues afflicting so many of us these days.
* Holistic Health
* Therapy

Doctor William Neely is a part of the Chiro-Health Chiropractic Treatment Center. Focusing on holistic wellness, our health care center offers numerous treatments, chiropractic methods, and natural products that help with your healing and pain reduction. Dr. Neely is a graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic. For over 20 years, he has specialized in offering high quality chiropractic care for a wide variety of complex health issues.

Dr. Neely's approach is one that focuses on the entire individual and seeks to treat the root of the health problem instead of simply treating symptoms. We offer a wide variety of natural therapies that have proven to resolve our patients' issues and bring about lasting results. Together, we can help you achieve optimal health so that you can reengage in a pain-free life. For more information concerning our premier chiropractic services, contact the chiropractic office of William Neely today.

Call now to schedule an appointment!