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Market Place Chiropractic

"2107 Elliott Avenue, Suite 203"
Seattle, WA 98121

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Dr. Jeff Bowers

As referenced by the AJPM 1994; 4:36-39
Posture affects and moderates every physiological function from breathing to hormonal production. Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse and lung capacity are among the functions most easily influenced by posture.

Dr. Bowers has dedicated his life over the past 10 years to educating and caring for his patients with the most advanced spine care available in Chiropractic today. Dr. Bowers practices at Market Place Chiropractic in the Belltown area of Seattle as well as Bowers Family Chiropractic in Edmonds. His approach to patient care provides a gentle, safe, effective and holistic approach to maintain an optimal level of health.

Dr. Bowers utilizes methods to effectively reproduce spinal correction for patients who need corrective measures for their spinal condition. Dr. Bowers specializes in the treatment and management of injuries from automobile accidents, work injuries, sports injuries, or other trauma-related injuries. Dr. Bowers implements a wellness treatment plan for each patient that covers everything from spinal adjustments, exercises, posture retraining and nutrition. Dr. Bowers emphasizes the significance of maintaing a healthy spine and nervous system, exercising and well-balanced diet.

Dr. Bowers is also a specialist in treating extremity conditions such as plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder, foot and ankle pain, elbow and wrist conditions, hip bursitis, knee tendonitis, among other conditions. Dr. Bowers has treated patients ranging from a day old to102 years old. He has treated professional athletes as well as those who compete on the weekends.

Dr. Bowers is married and has one child. When not caring for his patients, Dr. Bowers spends time with his family skiing, wake-boarding, surfing and spending time outdoors. Dr. Bowers is an active member of Eastlake Community Church.