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Coastal Veterinary Surgical Services

801 Poquonnock Rd
Groton, CT 06340

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Does your pet need advanced surgical care? C.V.S.S. offers many advanced surgical procedures. 21st century protocols provide a safe and comfortable experience for your pets. Our anesthetic protocols maintain your petâ?Ts blood pressure and minimize stress on the heart, liver and kidneys. Technology to monitor and maintain normal respiration, blood pressure, E.K.G. and body temperature throughout surgery.

Thorough pain control keeps your pet as comfortable as possible. See the services page for details on our comprehensive, multi-modal comfort control measures.

A successful outcome depends on an accurate diagnosis, your understanding of the situation, a sound surgical plan and attention to the details of anesthesia, surgery and recovery. Our surgeons and staff offer over 50 combined years of experience to benefit your pet.

Services: Surgical Procedures Available

* nostrils, nasal sinuses
* lips, tongue, gums, jaw and facial bones
* upper airway - tonsils, soft palate, polyps, larynx
* facial tumors, skin folds
* eyelid tumors and corrective surgery, enucleation
* ear surgery from simple tumors to total ear canal ablation and otoscopic laser surgery (sorry, we do not crop ears)
* bullous ostectomy to drain chronic ear infection and remove masses
* tumors of the neck including thyroid tumors and other deep masses and lymph node biopsies
* tumors and wounds of all sizes affecting the body and limbs
* abdominal surgery - spaying, caesarian section, tumors; surgery of the liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestines, colon and rectum, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, uterus, bladder,etc.
* urogenital system - urethrostomy, phallopexy, neutering, episioplasty
* rectal tumors and anal sacs
* orthopedic surgery - fractures, knee injuries (ACL tears,etc), hip dysplasia, luxating patellas (knee caps),etc
* declawing using laser excision
* routine spaying and neutering