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Tepe Tree Service

3015 Webb Road
Brookville, IN 47012

Business Categories

Posted: 7/12/2016 5:55:07 AM
By: tepetreeservice5p
Brookville, IN
A tree is a wonderful addition to any yard. While they do provide shade and beauty when fully blossomed, theyâ?"like anything elseâ?"require maintenance, love and care to keep them in tip-top shape. Theprofessionals from Tepe Tree Service have theexperience and the tools to provide both exceptional tree care and removal.Serving the greater Cincinnati, OH area, this tree companyhas been working with these leafy giants since 1977. Their services includegeneral tree maintenance, tree trimming, tree removal, stump grinding and more.Tepe Tree Service employs a team of experienced and qualified arborists whoensure to put safety first and foremost on every project.Do you have any unhealthy looking branches? Reduce the riskof injuries or damage by calling in the experts. Sometimes all a tree needs ispruning and trimming in order to bring it back to life. Tepe Tree Service willsend one of their qualified professionals to examine the tree and determine whetheror not it needs to be completely removed. Your options will be discussed prior to any work, and the company always provides affordable rates.Recognized by the Better Business Bureau for theirexceptional customer service, Tepe TreeService is equipped to handle any situation. Call them today at (513) 923-1123 or visit them online.