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God's Warning To A Dieing Nation.

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Posted: 8/31/2010 11:40:31 PM
By: The Watchman
Woodstock, GA

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God's Warning To A Dieing Nation. The masses believe that the problems in our nation are due to our political leaders and their policies, to some degree they are right. Taking it a step further, these same people profess to be good clean living folks, many lay claim of being a Christian. There is another bunch of Church members who make the excuse that they are only human, and have no real sense of the seriousness of their sins, as is the case with the former. The number of Churches found in America are staggering, but the people whom make up the Churches do not measure up to the standards revealed in the Bible and a Holy God' expectation of them in which He (God) said; "Be ye Holy.For I AM Holy". Even my own historic denomination of the Southern Baptist Convention is in sad condition to say the least. We think we can rub elbows, join hands with those in a worldwide ecumenical movement of a false unity for a common cause, yet this does not pass the doctrinal test of the Holy scriptures. We are being lured to sleep, and when I say we, I mean the corporate body of authentic believers at large, not to mention the deceived masses in our midst. We the authentic Church have also failed to not only "Test The Spirits", but have believed ALL that we hear because the media said it to be true! Friend the Lord God has said "that a simpleton (a fool) believes all that he hears. but, a wise man searches out a matter to see if it be true". The evidence that there is something very sinister at work nationally, as well as internationally is overwhelming and unbelievable to say the least. Yet we in our sins of ignorance continue to play Church. How tragic! Yes I do believe that the evidence shows that there is the most despicable global conspiracy underway with lethal consequences for the United States, as well as the international landscape. I believe that we have reached a critical point of no return. Mankind also has a critical moment of opportunity before him individually as well. So who is to blame for the mess that we are in as a nation, and as the Church? Can we fail as a nation, as the true Church, to heed the numerous warnings of the Bible and expect anything less than what we are getting? There comes a time when one crosses the line of God' patience's and long suffering one time to many, I sense deeply that we have crossed over to the point of no return as a nation. Mankind, that is individual people, still have a small window of opportunity left before they likewise reach the point of no return .This is the Lord God' last call. In closing let me say that I did not write anywhere near the amount on these topics as I would have preferred to. Hopefully many will be able to understand what has been communicated in it's context, and will move to the only appropriate response. Repentance! A heart of humility before the Lord God for your role in our fall as a nation, the Church, and your own divided wicked heart that has loved everything and anything but Him fervently! Jesus Christ now stands poised to hear the hearts of those whom hear His plead to repent and be saved. By the Watchman * Announcement * Dear Pastor, deacons, elders, and Church leaders, Please consider in light of Bible Truth if the Watchman is promoting truth or deception. If you conclude that the Watchman is about TRUTH, Bible Truth.then help support this critical work by extending your pulpit to this guest speaker at crucial time such as this. Please make your initial inquiry through the response link found on this posting, or e-mail The Watchman at [email protected]. Thank you. The Watchman Critical Warning/The Watchman Ministry Atlanta Metro/NW GA NON 501c and NO Government Control! Not for profit ambassador for the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ Protected under copyright laws © 2010 -------------------------------------------- "Lord. Lord".many will say to the Lord on that day of judgment. Something to think about... Jesus said, "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' Matthew 7:22-23 Have you ever heard this passage of scripture? Have you ever stopped and gave it some deep thought as to who the Lord is referring to? I believe it is obvious to whom the Lord is speaking about. He is not speaking to the right out blatant sinner such as the druggie, the drunkard, the thief and so fourth. Nor is He speaking to those whom have placed their fervent humble trust in Him alone. So who is He referencing? I am certain that the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking about the pretender, the hypocrite, the masquerader, the religious folks whom say they are a Christian. Those who warm the Church pew week after week, and perhaps have done so for years. He is speaking about the good humanitarian, and to those even busy in Church work. He is speaking about false teachers and preachers deceiving the masses in their demonically twisted agenda, and their corrupted hearts that love the things of this world's wicked system. He is speaking about those who twist and pervert the clear teachings of the Bible for their own gain. Yes, it is true that blatant sinners need to likewise authentically repent of their sins, and then to believe on the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. I have met many blatant sinner's whom tell me that they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, claiming a certain level of commitment to Him and His cause, yet give nothing but lip service. These too fall under the same condemnation as the rest of this condemned bunch of souls on that broad road that leads to destruction.Why? They have never authentically turned to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and humility. To come to true faith in Jesus Christ requires your all to Him. Did not Jesus speak about counting the cost of being a true follower of His. Did not the Lord say that to be His follower you must lay down your very life. You can not have one foot in the world and one foot in the Lord' Church, and mind you that the Church is not a building, but rather the redeemed of the Lord God. To give your all to the Lord requires a broken humble heart of remorse for your sins, repentance. Knowing that your sin debt has been stored up against you for that day of inevitable judgment should you die in your filth of heart. Realizing your helplessness with Godly sorrow, being willing to turn from your wicked atrocities (sin), and knowing on the authority of the Bible, that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you shall be saved. To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ means you have His imputed righteousness. To be a true Christian shall show fourth this reality by a demonstration of being connected to the vine, the Lord Jesus Christ is the vine. Grace is not in question here, but rather, as the Lord Jesus Christ puts it; "You shall know a tree by the type of fruit that it produces". The Lord God has said that if you die in your sins. Judgment is waiting for ....YOU ! It's heaven or hell and both are forever! Romans 10:9-13 Cry out to the Lord God, invite Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior today. Perhaps the following prayer may express your heart's desire; Lord God. It is true that I have sinned against you. I realize that if I got what I deserved I would be judged and condemned in hell forever. The best way that I know how, I acknowledge that my own attempts to obtained a righteous standing before you comes up incredibly short. I do believe that the spotless, sinless Son of God died on the cross in my place. I do believe that the wrath of God the Father was poured out on God the Son in whom knew no sin so that all those whom sincerely repent and believe would be saved. This day, Lord God . I want to come clean in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. I repent of all my sins, I turn from them and turn to you in faith. Please write my name in your "Book Of Life", come into my heart and spirit, be my Lord and Savior. Teach me to do thy do things your way. I do believe that Jesus Christ whom rose from the dead is coming back soon.................................. In Jesus Christ Name I Pray. AMEN! The following are a few things that you will want to do; * Get and read the Bible "daily". Take at least one chapter a day. The Bible is a library of 66 Books, when you start a book of the Bible stay in it chapter by chapter and verse by verse until completed, and before moving onto another book of the Bible. I would suggest beginning your Bible devotions and worship in the book of John found in the New Testament. * Test everything according to sound Biblical doctrine. An excellent Bible translation is the King James Version. Be careful which other translations you read, some are good and many have been altered. * Spend time in heart connecting prayer with the Lord God daily and throughout the day. * Be very alert to things or movements, etc. that look so popular and all in the name of Christianity, most if not all of these inevitably end up proving to be nothing more than doctrines of demons. * I truly believe that the absolute vast majority of so called TV preachers are in reality "wolves in sheep's clothing", as is the case in many church pulpits today. (Certainly not all. but again. many). * Learn with the Lord God' help to recognize error and deception. speak earnestly against it! * You will also want to with God' help, take a current look at you relationships, activities, lifestyle, habits, etc.., will any hinder your resolve to do things God' way from this day fourth? Remember too, there is often times a price tag for doing what is right in the Lord God' eyes. * Very prayerfully trust the Lord God to lead you to an assembly of true doctrinally sound believers. * I will turn you on to a good web site where God' truth is faithfully taught. The site is not that of my own, but rather a God blessed Pastor in California by the name of Dr. John MacArthur and His entrusted ministry called "Grace To You". Here at the web site you can download over 3000 MP3 sermons FREE OF ANY CHARGE, as well as get connected to other resources. The Watchman © 2010